Preis: $67.49
PACKAGING NOT GUARANTEED TO BE IN MINT CONDITION. NOT MINT ITEMS MAY SELL OUT AT ANY TIME. ORDERS MAY NOT BE FILLED. 1:18 scale collectible replica of the General Lee! From the popular Dukes of Hazzard TV series. Features rubber tires and a die-cast metal body and chassis. It's time you had your own General Lee! This Dukes of Hazzard General Lee 1:18 Scale Die-Cast Metal Vehicle features the Duke boys' vehicle in the popular Dukes of Hazzard TV series. A beautifully sculpted 1:18 scale collectible replica featuring rubber tires and a die-cast metal body and chassis, this fantastic version of the General Lee measures nearly 12 3/4-inches long. Ages 14 and up.
Partnershop: Entertainment Earth
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